

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Who does not like fairy tales? I certainly love them, especially if they are revisited in a clever and post-apocalyptic way...With this novel, we are in the distant future, where the earth is populated not only by men but also by cyborg. The protagonist is Cinder, a "Cinderella" made more than metal than meat ... We are in the Far East, in a New Beijing overpopulated and very racist. If we have seen the Disney's story, we'll usually imagine a Cinderella a little passive waiting for her handsome prince , but our Cinder is not at all this kind of woman. And if the original dreamed long dresses full of laces, our heroine prefers hers convenient and dirty mechanic's suit. And what about Prince Charming? In this book he is full of doubts, he is a little prince and very man.In this chaotic and overcrowded world, wanders a new disease, fatal: it is the plague. Takes all, no one is immune, not even the King, and the search for a antidote has no results. And as if all that were not enough, to complicate matters there is the danger of a war between the earth and the moon almost certainly see the Lunars winners.In this reality, we find our Cinder, which, as in the fairy tale, it is not loved by anyone, except by a friendly "robot" bungler , and to make matters worse she believes to be "wrong" because made of metal and not meat.This is the real clue of this novel: racism, the fear to be accepted by others and by yourself . 7
SUITABLE FOR WHO: looking for a book is "different",  urban fantasy but with different ingredients. A dispassionate advice: this novel in US has had amazing reviews, try to read it even if you're not passionate about cyborgs, science fiction or fairy tales, because in my humble opinion, we are talking about a small pearl. This is definitely a book smart and funny, and I think that we should try to "help" those who try to do something different ...
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This book is the first in a series that the author, Marissa Meyer (which is obviously not the CEO of Yahoo), plans to write revisiting the classic fairy tales, from Cinderella to Snow White,  passing by Rapunzel.The second in the series, called "Scarlett" (and that is the retelling of Little Red Riding Hood), was released in America last month. I have not read it yet, but from what I understand from the various U.S. blog, even though the protagonist changes, the story of Cinder continue ...Unfortunately the other two novels that should be the standard are not yet been published (we hope, however, that they have already written ;)

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